Why is it Better for the Environment to Eat Produce Made in a Vertical Farm

Why is it Better for the Environment to Eat Produce Made in a Vertical Farm

Originally posted: April 2023

Indoor farms use less energy and water than traditional open-air farms. Indoor farms also reduce carbon emissions since they don't rely on traditional fuel to run agricultural equipment. The highly controlled environment of an indoor farm means that there are fewer inputs required, such as fertilizer and pesticides, resulting in a lower environmental impact. Additionally, the locally-grown produce from indoor farms helps reduce food miles, providing fresher produce and reducing the need for transportation. All of these factors make eating produce grown in an indoor farm a more sustainable choice for both you and the planet.

In recent years, indoor farming has become a viable option for sustainable and locally-sourced food production. By taking advantage of the highly-controlled environment and advanced technology of modern indoor farms, it is possible to produce fresh and nutritious produce with less energy and water than traditional open-air farms.

By reducing inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides, the local environment does not become filled with unnatural components. Vertical farming also helps mitigate carbon emissions from transport miles by offering fresher produce, indoor farms can make a significant impact on the farm's carbon impact.

Additionally, because these controlled environments allow for precise manipulation of growing conditions, plants are able to grow much faster indoors than when compared to outdoor conditions. This shorter growing cycle is even more efficient in using energy and conserving resources than its traditional counterpart. One plant of Grow Space lettuce is grown significantly than in its inefficient traditional counterpart.

Eating produce grown in an indoor farm offers many benefits over eating produce sourced from inefficient open-air farms. As well as carrying environmental advantages, consumers can benefit from higher quality products with longer shelf lives due to no exposure to pests and diseases.

Hyper local farms, like Grow Space, minimize a world of carbon emissions, literally. During the winter especially, some foods cannot be produced in the United States, so they must be produced over seas. You cannot grow most crops in the winter with traditional agriculture, so they have to be shipped from countries on the other side of the world like Australia, Argentina, and Chile as an example. Grow space only ships within 4 miles of it's location.

Indoor farming presents an exciting opportunity for sustainable food production that provides multiple environmental benefits while still maintaining high levels of quality in the products produced. With technologies advancing at a rapid pace, this growing sector looks set to continue making strides towards more eco-friendly methods of food preparation in the near future.

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